The beginning of a new year is filled with good intentions. Everyone considers it a fresh start; a time to look toward the future with a new set of eyes and work toward new goals. These grand goals that we set for ourselves, we believe will propel us toward success and fulfillment. But, how do we make sure we stay on the right path, how can we meet or exceed everything we have in mind for our future and stay consistent in fulfilling our dreams? Well, if you're ready to make some changes that improve your life for the better, here are 3 great ways to stay focused and committed to your goals this year.

Stay Focused and Committed to Your Goals By Living in the Now

One of the biggest mistakes people make when working toward their goals is thinking too far into the future. When we make goals for our lives and break those goals into smaller, attainable steps, ensuring that those small, everyday steps are enjoyable and benefit our lives in the now, is the one true way to stay committed to the bigger, overarching goal that we're working toward.

For example, if your goal is to create a course for your audience, one of your smaller goals that will lead you to that, may be coming up with video content to include in your course. However, if the idea of getting on camera is overwhelming and daunting, you will put it off and put it off, until your timeframe for your goal has passed. Conversely, if the idea of creating video content has you pumped and ready from the minute you get up, you're already improving your current situation because you're happy and have something going on that you truly look forward to.

Your big goal should be something that, when completing the small tasks that will help you reach that goal, keeps you fired up, engaged, happy, and ready to move forward. Otherwise, you may discover that the big goal you think you want to accomplish, really isn't all that important or special to you, if the day-to-day thought of working toward it, is anything less than motivating, inspiring and exciting.

An Accountability Partner Could be Just What You Need 

Having someone in your corner, cheering you on, bouncing ideas back and forth, and working alongside, can be a powerful motivator when working toward your goals. Some of us thrive when we're working with a mentor, involved in a mastermind, or checking in with an accountability partner regularly.

There's something about having someone who knows what you're doing, who understands the ups and downs and can help you work through them, that can truly be motivating and inspirational. If the goal is to stay focused and committed to your goals, then another person in the proverbial trenches with you may be just what you need to push forward every day.

Sometimes just knowing that every Friday afternoon, you'll meet up with your partner, or exchange messages via text is all you need to help you get through a particularly challenging Tuesday morning. Structure, predictability, and a break from the day-to-day can be significantly motivating. 

Or, Do You Need to Move in Silence to Stay Focused and Committed to Your Goals?

In recent years, there's been a trend toward keeping your goals to yourself and moving in silence. It's been proven that just saying or announcing your goal publicly – and receiving comments, likes, and pats on the back for wanting to accomplish the goal, can give a false sense of accomplishment. You've already received all the accolades for even wanting to attempt a goal so why bother pursuing it now? This can happen to some people, which is why many experts suggest not telling anyone what you're working on. Only you know if this is the best approach for your individual needs. So, it's definitely something to consider when announcing on social media that you're going to try to do X, Y, or Z. 

Another reason many choose to move in silence is that they feel confident in their commitment to their goals. They don't feel as though they need validation from others. Others do this to protect themselves from naysayers. Because as we've all seen, once you put yourself out there, it's almost as though it's open season. People begin bashing your dreams in the comment section. Many choose to move in silence to ensure they are removed from the nonsense and noise. 

You Know Yourself Best

Bottom line? You must know who you are, and what it is that keeps you motivated. Are you a lone wolf, or are you outgoing? You could be a combination of the two. Depending on the goal you're trying to accomplish, how you move forward (whether alone or with an accountability partner) will vary greatly.

Nothing is set in stone. You can move the goalposts at any time, you're in charge of how you move forward. So if one thing isn't working, try something else and don't feel bad or be discouraged. As you try things and eliminate others, you move closer and closer to what you truly are seeking in your life. 

Finally, it's important to remember that the new year isn't some magical time when all new goals must be proclaimed. You can stop, refocus and redirect your energy at any point during the year. You may discover your goal changes midway and that's ok too, it's all part of the greater plan and something to be celebrated and embraced.